New DHSS Fellow Program by TAD: Empowering Future Researchers with Digital Expertise

Building the Future of Research: The DHSS Fellow Program at TAU Equips Graduate Students with Essential Digital Skills

29 October 2024
New DHSS Fellow Program by TAD: Empowering Future Researchers with Digital Expertise

The Digital Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS) Fellow Program is designed to equip advanced graduate students with essential digital and computational skills, preparing them for a research future where digital proficiency is the norm.


Spearheaded by the Computational Text Analysis (CTextA) team at Tel Aviv University's TAD Center for AI and Data Science, the program supports research across the fields of humanities, social sciences, law, management, and the arts.


Over two semesters (Winter and Spring), the selected fellows will participate in a vibrant community of practice, engage in workshops tailored to their needs, present their research-in-progress, and receive guidance from experienced researchers.


Fellows will meet bi-weekly to develop skills in computational analysis and share insights in reading seminars. The program culminates in a presentation of each fellow's research project.


The DHSS Fellow Program offers financial support (5,000 NIS), mentorship, and the opportunity to collaborate with leading experts in the field of digital humanities and social sciences.


Fellow Program website >>

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