The statistical consulting lab in the TAD Center

The Statistical Consulting Lab offers services for universities, hospitals, government organizations and private companies

The statistical consulting lab in the TAD Center. Photo by m. on Unsplash
The statistical consulting lab in the TAD Center. Photo by m. on Unsplash
Contact Us:


For information or to set a meeting please contact us:



Dr. Aya Vituri 03-6408954



We are located at Schreiber building in room 001.


About the lab

The Statistical Consulting Lab provides expert statistical consulting in the areas of planning and design of experiments, analyzing research data and data analysis in general. The Consulting Lab works with researchers in many fields, including Medical research and clinical trials, Biology, Bioinformatics, Meteorology, Business, Marketing, Engineering and the Behavioral Sciences.


The Statistical Consulting Lab offers services for both small and large scale projects, serving individuals and groups within the universities, major hospitals, government organizations and private companies. The members of the Statistical Consulting Lab includes professional statisticians, graduate students and senior faculty members.


The Statistical Consulting Lab also offers educational employment opportunities for graduate students in statistics, operation research and computer science at TAU. The Statistical Consulting Lab can assist your research by offering standard, advanced, and tailored made statistical methods, analysis and graphics:


Consulting Services:

Research Design

Assistance in planning experiments, sampling strategies, randomized treatment assignments in clinical trials and other experiments, determination of sample size, power analysis, development of research tools and questionnaires, including computerized data forms, logistical considerations and statistical help in preparation of research proposals.


Statistical Analysis

The Consulting Unit staff has expertise in a wide range of useful applied statistical methods:

  • Data mining for large datasets and exploratory data analysis, visualization and graphical methods.
  • Machine learning and Deep learning
  • Regression analysis: linear and non-linear models, logistic regression, non parametric regression (splines, and other smoothing methods), model selection for large problems. Cox proportional hazards regression, logit and Poisson regression.
  • Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and covariance (ANCOVA), mixed models and repeated measurements.
  • Multiple comparisons, FDR methodology, simultaneous and selective inference.
  • Multivariate analysis, log linear analysis for contingency tables.
  • Non-parametric statistics
  • Bayesian methods


Statistical Computing

Expertise in widespread statistical packages like SPSS as well as state-of-the-art applications and tailor-made graphics and methods in R (the open-source version of Splus), including their web implementations.


Report Writing

Summaries of the quantitative conclusions from statistical analyses that can be incorporated into research publications.


Lab Members

The members of the lab include professional statisticians, machine learning experts, graduate students and senior faculty at TAU.


Senior Statistical Consultants and manager

Dr. Shimon Shahar

Dr. Aya Vituri


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