Press Coverage

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Three Researchers from TAU Win The 2024 Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics

The award, amounting to one million dollars (similar to the Nobel Prize), will be presented to Prof. Yoav Benjamini, Prof. Daniel Yekutieli, and Prof. Ruth Heller for their work enabling the screening of a large number of experimental results to identify significant discoveries. Published: Haaretz 31.07.24


BITS of AI - A New Program for Artificial Intelligence Studies for Youth by TAD

As part of the program, students in grades 7-8 from the periphery will learn at Tel Aviv University an introduction to machine learning and artificial intelligence, will experience various methods and tools in these fields and will also discuss the possibilities and risks of using artificial intelligence. Published: Ynet 28.02.24

Before You Share: These Are the Signs of a 'Fake' Item

Wars are fertile ground for the spread of misinformation and disinformation, although right now it is important to exercise caution. This is how you will recognize the pattern | Published: 14.11.2023



Tel Aviv University and Google launched a program to promote AI research for sustainability and education

The program will operate under the leadership of the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at Tel Aviv University (TAD Center), headed by Prof. Meir Feder from the Faculty of Engineering and with the assistance of one million dollars from Google. | Published: Ynet 11.5.2023



Israeli university, Google launch program for AI research

The new three-year program at Israel's Tel Aviv University and funded by Google is focused mainly on AI research for sustainability and for education | Published: The Jerusalem Post 8.5.2023

A new program at Tel Aviv University - AI and Data Science for humanities and social sciences

The new program is a collaboration between the AI and Data Science Center (TAD) and the Faculties | Published: Ynet 19.01.23

Israel’s Leading AI Week 2022 Showcases Global Industry Trailblazers and Exciting Future in Artificial Intelligence

Published: 10.2.2022

Israel's Leading AI Week 2022 Showcases Global Industry Trailblazers and Exciting Future in Artificial Intelligenc

Published: PR Newswire, 9.2.2022

AI Week kicks off to celebrate artificial intelligence progress

Published: Calcalist 7.2.2022

A bachelor's degree program in data science at TAU

Published: Ynet 27.01.22

TAD Center won the highest grant by The Council for Higher Education

Published: TAU, 24.1.2022

Google, Tel Aviv University set up joint AI-based research program

Published: 29.4.2021

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