
All members of the Tel Aviv University Center for AI and Data Science (TAD) who receive funding or consultation from TAD are requested to include TAD in the acknowledgements of their relevant publications as written below:


For works funded by TAD:

"This work was supported by a grant from the Tel Aviv University Center for AI and Data Science (TAD)."


For works funded as part of the initiative of AI and DS for social good:

"This work was supported by a grant from Tel Aviv University Center for AI and Data Science (TAD) as part of the initiative of AI and DS for social good."


For works funded as part of the initiative of AI and DS for social good in collaboration with Google:

"This work was supported by a grant from Tel Aviv University Center for AI and Data Science (TAD) in collaboration with Google, as part of the initiative of AI and DS for social good."


For works funded as part of the initiative of AI and DS for Sustainability in collaboration with Google:

"This work was supported by a grant from Tel Aviv University Center for AI and Data Science (TAD) in collaboration with Google, as part of the initiative of AI and DS for sustainabilty."


For works funded as part of the initiative of AI and DS for Education in collaboration with Google:

"This work was supported by a grant from Tel Aviv University Center for AI and Data Science (TAD) in collaboration with Google, as part of the initiative of AI and DS for education."


For works that TAD team consults / involved:

The relevant Center researcher and TAD should be acknowledged for their help.


When the Center researchers are involved in the project in an active collaboration – the relevant TAD researcher should be acknowledged through co-authorship.


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