The Conference of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS) in Israel

Date: 21.5.2024

The Conference of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS) in Israel


Humanities and social sciences in Israel have been increasingly using computational methods. Gradually, they are organizing into a community that shares various methods used to investigate an increased variety of materials, including not only old and new texts but also images, sounds, and videos. However, much remains to be done to consolidate this community in order to develop tools and research collaboratively, especially beyond the Social Sciences/Humanities divide.


The aim of the first conference of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS) in Israel is precisely to work in this direction, stimulating innovations and collaborations, and also to collectively contemplate the larger epistemological implications of the shift to digital methods.


The conference will be built around multidisciplinary panels presenting research, including work in progress and research projects, offering an opportunity to meet colleagues and introduce new researchers and graduate students to the field. The conference is designed to encompass as wide a range of disciplines as possible and explore a variety of research objects and, more broadly, what it means to conduct research in the social sciences and humanities in an increasingly digitized universe, within and beyond the Academia.


Conference topics (not inclusive)*

  • Humanities and the preservation of cultural heritage
  • Computational analysis of written, spoken and visual objects
  • Development and establishment of databases for historical collections
  • Organization of linked information and data
  • Semantic networks
  • Linked spatial knowledge
  • Digital cartography
  • Researching legacy media and new media
  • Archives, infrastructure, and data extraction
  • Implications of the digital turn for science at large

*Submissions in other topics in DHSS can be accepted too.


Link to the Submission form:

Last date for submission: September 30, 2023


Accept/reject notification will be sent on October 22, 2023 to the email address you specified.



Chairs of the Program committee

Dr. Eshbal Ratzon, The Department of Jewish Philosophy and Talmud and the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas

Prof. Jerome Bourdon, Dan Department of Communication

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