Announcing the Awardees of Addressing AI Social Risks Grants

TAD and Shamgar Centers Seed Grants - Year 2023

02 August 2023
Announcing the Awardees of Addressing AI Social Risks Grants


TAD and Shamgar Centers are pleased to announce the awardees of the "Addressing AI Social Risks" Seed Grants - Year 2023. 

We hope the grants will foster interdisciplinary collaborations that explore the social implications and risks associated with the advancements of AI technology.




1 - Tamar Mayer (Arts) and Udi Sommer (Political Sciences)

     ARTificial DEMOCRACIES      


2 - Gal Ostreicher -Singer (Management) and Shir Etgar (Communication)

     Is Chat-GPT's Financial Advice (Unintentionally) Gender Biased?


3 - Assaf Hamdani (Law) and Goren Gordon (Industrial Engineering) 

     Measuring & Promoting Critical Thinking Regarding Legal AI Decision Support Systems


4 - Ran Gilad Bachrach (Bio-Medical Engineering) and Niva Elkin Koren (Law)

     Are Decision-Making “Experts” Immuned from Potential xAI Risks?   



 Congratulations to the awardees!

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