The 2nd Annual Conference of The Center for AI and Data Science at Tel Aviv University (TAD)

The 2nd Annual Conference of TAD, March 20, 2023. Photo by Ofer Amram
The 2nd Annual Conference of TAD, March 20, 2023. Photo by Ofer Amram

The annual event of TAD took place on Monday, March 20, 2023, at the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History.


Prof. Meir Feder, Head of TAD, gave the opening words and presented the various activities in AI and data science that were promoted by the center in the past two years, including funding of research in these fields, promoting new collaborations, and initiating new education programs.


Prof. Amir Globerson, Computer Science and TAD management, presented the keynote speaker: Prof. Shai Shalev Shwartz, HUJI and CTO of Mobileye.


See link to the keynote lecture on "4 AI revolutions happened in the last 4 years. Should we be alarmed?" >>


The event included a diverse program to summarize the wonderful work that has been done in the past 2 years by members of the center. Most of these works were supported directly by the center.


We had 5 sessions on topics from biomedicine, neuroscience, and fundamentals of AI to NLP, ethics and physical sciences. 


We thank all the chairs, speakers and participants who made this a successful meeting!

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