TAD Meet and Collaborate Event II

TAD center held the 2nd Meet and Collaborate event - The AI and data science toolbox

06 January 2022

Our 2nd Meet and Collaborate event - The AI and data science toolbox was held at the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History. Researchers seeking collaboration in the fields of data science and artificial intelligence had the opportunity to hear talks by leading researchers in these fields on state-of-the-art methods and their potential applications in various fields:


Tova Milo (Computer Science and Dean, Faculty of Exact Sciences), Yoav Benjamini (Statistics), Ran Gilad-Bachrach (Biomedical Engineering), Shai Avidan (Electrical Engineering), Saharon Rosset (Statistics) and Jonathan Berant (Computer Sciecne).

We also had a poster session and Brunch with a toast to the new year!

Prof. Ariel Porat (President, TAU) and Prof. Meir Feder (Head, TAD) opened the event with greetings. Following we had a short ceremony for the PhD students who received the TAD excellence fellowship.






We thank all the speakers and participants both at the event and from home.


(photos credit: Ofer Amram)

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