Prof. Meir Feder

Electrical Engineering

Meir Feder is a Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering in Tel Aviv University and the holder of the Information Theory Chair. He is also a Visiting Professor at the department of EECS at MIT. His research interests are Information Theory and its applications in signal processing, communication and recently machine learning.


He received several academic and professional awards including the IEEE Information Theory society best paper award for his work on universal prediction, the “creative thinking” award of the Israeli Defense Forces, and the Research Prize of the Israeli Electronic Industry, awarded by the president of Israel. In parallel to his academic career, he is closely involved in the high-tech industry and founded several companies, among them Peach Networks (Acq: MSFT) and Amimon (Acq:LON.VTC). Recently, with his renewed interest in machine learning and AI, he co-founded Run:ai, a virtualization and acceleration platform for AI infrastructure.

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