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Magnetic Sweet AI: Metabolic Brain Cancer Imaging using Deep MRI of a Sugar-Based Contrast Agent


Aug 3rd, 2023
Magnetic Sweet AI: Metabolic Brain Cancer Imaging using Deep MRI of a Sugar-

Researchers: Dr. Or Perlman (Biomedical Engineering) and Prof. Gil Navon (Chemistry)

  • Health-Biomedicine

Despite extensive research efforts, brain tumors remain a leading cause of cancer-related death, with only one-third of individuals surviving more than 5 years after diagnosis. Early detection constitutes a decisive factor in disease prognosis. While various medical imaging modalities can provide an anatomical view of the brain, they only capture morphological tissue changes that occur relatively late, when the tumor is already well-defined and mature.


In contrast, alterations in metabolic properties, such as increased glucose consumption, are manifested as early as cell reprogramming and constitute a unique tumor signature. As currently employed in-vivo metabolic imaging techniques require the use of ionizing radiation and have limited spatial resolution, there is an urgent need for an alternative accurate, and safe means for early detection and characterization of brain tumors.

Recently we discovered a new non-toxic sugar-based material, which is preferentially accumulated in tumor cells and can be detected using the chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging (CEST-MRI) technique. However, the complex molecular brain environment generates a variety of confounding magnetic signals stemming from various metabolites, lipids, and peptides, which severely hinder the quantification of metabolic sugar consumption.


The main goal of this project is to develop a transformative radiation-free, and rapid AI-based metabolic MR technology for early brain tumor detection. We propose to adopt a previously unconsidered perspective and to represent the underlying physics of molecular MRI as a computational graph, enabling an automatic AI-based optimization of tumor metabolic imaging.

Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning to Understand What is Being Learned in Motor Learning


Aug 3rd, 2023
Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning to Understand What is Being Learned in

Researcher: Prof. Jason Friedman (Health Professions)

  • Health-Biomedicine

Motor learning is an important part of our lives – when we learn a new skill, during childhood as we learn to control our bodies, and in rehabilitation when we re-learn how to perform day-to-day tasks. It is assumed that we perform these tasks in an optimal way, but it is not obvious what it is that we are optimizing.


In this research project, we tackle this problem by using computational techniques, specifically inverse reinforcement learning and inverse optimization, to try to understand what people are learning.


We explore this problem at two levels - using inverse reinforcement learning paradigms to determine what reward produces human-like movements in a simple point-to-point reaching task, and using inverse optimization, where we study a complex task (playing the piano) and try to understand what experts are optimizing in terms of selecting posture.


These findings can benefit our understanding of how and why we perform particular types of movements, and be used as a tool to accelerate motor learning.



Summary of the inverse optimization procedure in piano playing comparing experts and novices (a) Visualization of the arms and hands from a motion capture system (b) index finger joint angles when pressing a piano key (c) Slopes of the regression lines (loudness in Sone as a function of position).


Positive values correspond to performing a crescendo as required. The expert group performed the task with a higher slope - i.e., took better advantage of the dynamic range. (d) The least comfortable postures selected by the experts were more comfortable than the novices (p=0.05), suggesting that comfort is one factor optimized by experts.

Mathematical foundations of xAI and their applications to personalized medicine and public health


Aug 3rd, 2023
Mathematical foundations of xAI and their applications to personalized medicine

Researchers: Dr. Uri Obolski (Public Health) and Prof. Ran Gilad Bachrach (Biomedical Engineering)

  • Health-Biomedicine

Our research is centered on Explainable AI (XAI), wherein we aim to establish mathematical foundations for elucidating model predictions. 


The overarching goal is to discern the limitations and possibilities associated with explanations generated by AI models. 


By focusing on the development of robust methods, our work contributes to the broader objective of enhancing transparency, accountability, and trustworthiness in AI systems. 


The specific applications of this research span diverse fields such as medicine, healthcare, law, and ethics. 


Example from Our Research:


One of the challenges in machine learning, particularly in medical applications, is accurately interpreting feature importance scores, especially when complex dependencies exist in the data. 


A key situation that can lead to unexpected outcomes is the presence of a collider variable, also known as an inverted fork.


For instance, consider the example depicted in the attached Figure. Smoking (which is unobserved) increases the likelihood of both Cancer and Gum chewing. Additionally, doctors recommend chewing gum to patients with Earache. When building predictive models for Cancer using features like Gum and Earache, but without knowledge of Smoking, misleading conclusions may arise.


  • Scenario 1: A model using only Earache as a feature would assign no importance to Earache since it is independent of Cancer.
  • Scenario 2: A model using only Gum would show Gum as an important predictor of Cancer due to their correlation, even though this association arises from the unobserved variable (Smoking).
  • Scenario 3: In a model using both Earache and Gum, feature importance scores might misleadingly indicate that Earache is predictive of Cancer. This is because conditioning on Gum (the collider) creates a spurious association between Earache and Cancer.


These kinds of situations, known in causality literature, are not easily resolved without additional information about the underlying causal mechanisms. 


In medical contexts, such erroneous interpretations could lead to incorrect conclusions, such as associating Earache with cancer risk or wrongly attributing gum chewing as a preventive factor for cancer. 


Our research explores both the theoretical underpinnings of these phenomena and provides empirical results to help mitigate such risks when applying machine learning models in healthcare

Targeting Aging-Related Diseases by Integrating Machine Learning, Biophysical and Cellular Tools


Dec 20th, 2022
Targeting Aging-Related Diseases by Integrating Machine Learning, Biophysical

Researchers: Prof. Haim Wolfson (Computer Science), Dr. Maayan Gal (Dental Medicine) and Dr. Daniel Bar (Dental Medicine)

  • Health-Biomedicine

At the heart of modern drug discovery lies the ability to modulate a defined cellular pathway in order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are the main achineries regulating such pathways, and as such are promising therapeutic targets.


Unfortunately, the generic physico-chemical characteristics of PPIs greatly complicates the identification of small molecule drugs capable of disrupting the interactions and PPIs are thus often considered undruggable. A promising path towards the discovery of PPI modulators is to design binding peptides.


Here, we propose to develop and integrate three specific and complementary AI-based approaches towards the discovery of new peptides that bind a prescribed region of a target protein: (i) Mining and reverse-engineering of binding peptides extracted from native protein substrates using sequence generative models. (ii) Fast screening of complementary binding motifs of the targeted region via geometric deep learning. (iii) De novo complex structure prediction of protein-peptides complexes using the state-of-the-art AlphaFold multimer model.


These tools will identify high affinity peptides that can then be validated experimentally, thus providing a unique discovery engine for PPI interface modulators.

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