Prof. Noam Shomron

Prof. Noam Shomron


Research work

Professor Noam Shomron is passionate about using basic science to advance better healthcare.

Prof. Shomron heads the Functional Genomic Team at the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University, after training at MIT. He leads a multidisciplinary team of scientists that develops computational methods for parsing big-data in the bio-medical field using Artificial Intelligence.

Shomron is also the Director of Djerassi Institute of Oncology; Editor of ‘Deep Sequencing Data Analysis’ book (Springer, Edition I and II); Director of ‘Rare-Genomics’ Israel (NPO); Academic Director of ‘ScienceAbroad’ (NPO); and, Co-founder of several genomics companies.

Areas of interest & scientific knowledge

Health and Biomedicine

  • Medicine
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