Graduate Programs

Direct Ph.D. program in collaboration with the Center for AI and Data Science (TAD)

Undergraduate Programs
Submission of Application


Applications should be submitted until 3.9.24


to the following email: 



General Information:

The Center for AI and Data Science at Tel Aviv University (TAD) offers advanced courses in the field of data science and artificial intelligence, along with substantial scholarships for outstanding students.


The program is designed for exceptional students who hold a bachelor’s degree in Exact Sciences, Engineering, or Life Sciences with relevant computational background, and would like to pursue a PhD in their field. 


It provides both theoretical and practical knowledge at the forefront of research in the field of data science and artificial intelligence.


The program is in collaboration with the following faculties: Exact Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences and Sagol School of Neuroscience.


On May 9, 2024 we held an info session at TAU to introduce the graduate program in collaboration with the center for AI and Data Science (TAD). The meeting included short talks by faculty members affiliated with the center, and an introduction session about the program and application process.


You are invited to watch the video here >> 




Program's goals:

To offer advanced and up-to-date courses in artificial intelligence and data science, taught by leading researchers.


To create a community of outstanding research students who will engage in research in the fields of artificial intelligence and data science across various schools participating in the program.


To promote interdisciplinary collaboration in the field through exposing students to research conducted in the field on campus through workshops and seminars.



Before applying to the program, the students must first enrol in the school where they intend to pursue their graduate studies.


Students can apply to the program upon admission to the following faculties: Exact Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, or Sagol School of Neuroscience.


Learn more about the program and the application details >>


Applications should be submitted until 3.9.24 to the following email: 


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