AI and Education Community Meeting

Prof. Yoav Bergner | Prof. Inbal Yahav Shenberger


04 June 2024, 12:30 - 14:00 
Sharet Building, Room 409 (4th floor) 
AI and Education Community Meeting

TAD - AI & Education Community Meeting  #3


  • Prof. Yoav Bergner,  The Department of Administration, Leadership, and Technology, NYU -  "Can LLMs evaluate innovative assessment items? Applications to collaborative problem-solving in Mathematics".


  • Prof. Inbal Yahav Shenberger, Coller School of Management, TAU - "Reciprocal Human-Machine Learning: A theory and an instantiation for the case of message classification".


The meeting will take place on Tuesday, 4 June 2024, between 12:30-14:00 (including light lunch), in Sharett Building (School of Education), Room 409 (4th Floor).


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