Dr. Tomer Geva

Dr. Tomer Geva


Research work

Tomer Geva is a (tenured) senior lecturer at Tel-Aviv University and the head of the Business Data Science Program at Tel-Aviv University’s Coller School of Management.


Tomer Geva’s research interests includes developing Data Science methods for solving business problems, with specific interest in using large-scale online data for business decision making, and using machine learning and AI methods to manage workers in crowdsourcing and organizational environments. Tomer’s research was published in both Data Science Journals and Management Journals including: IEEE TKDE, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management, and Decision Support Systems. Tomer also served as an Associate Editor for “Big Data” and “Decision Sciences” journals. Before joining Tel-Aviv University Tomer was a visiting scholar at NYU Stern School of Business and a post-doctoral research scientist at Google. Prior to his Ph.D. studies, he held various engineering and management positions in the high-tech industry.


Areas of interest & scientific knowledge

AI and Business

  • Management
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